Steps On Learning To Play Piano

By Angela Howard

The imagination that playing a baby grand is hard can make things tough to learn the skill. It is very simple and requires belief and the right attitude to acquire the skill. You will learn at the end of it all that it was a very simple process that anyone can learn as long as they have a positive mindset. Learning to Play Piano is all about the approach you have towards the process.

Be well versed with the notes used in music as the beginning of this unique process. Technically, if you do not give them a try, you may have an assumption that they are difficult to learn, whereas that is not the case. If you successfully learned the English alphabet, then this will be far much easier. You only have an obligation of learning eight notes symbolized by the first eight letters of the English alphabet.

You also need to be comfortable with the baby grand keys. You need to learn their uses since they are not all the same. They are differentiated by color, and you will realize there are white and black keys on your musical instrument. The use of black keys is primarily to play the flat and sharp notes. They have been arranged in groups of threes and twos on your keyboard.

The baby grand is manufactured and arranged in a specific way. It all begins in the middle. The central five black keys have a significant importance to the way the keyboard is arranged. On the duo group, the left white input represents C which is the sound Do in the sol-fa notation. All other keys with a similar location are denoted the same and between two subsequent similar letters are eight keys.

After doing the identification, we need to get into serious business now. This is the stage of learning how to hit the sol-fa notes. They are eight in number and represent the different notes that are represented in music. It is imperative to learn how to transfer the skill to a more practical sense and make it more interesting. You will be more accustomed to hitting the ivories.

Once you are done learning the sol-fa ladder, you need to go a notch higher. It is time to learn the simple songs that are easy to memorize. Such songs as Jingle Bells are easier to hit and can make the learning process more interesting. At this point, you need to learn the musical notes and their timing. You need to count each note on the music sheet.

Notes are arranged in a manner that you can know the length to which you can press them. Basically, we have three types of notes that exist within music but is not a limitation to recognized within the field. When you learn the length you can press a note depending on your arrangement, you can hit technical music.

The initial measures of music normally have three E notes. It is essential you learn to hit them. They are usually quarter notes that are two and one-half note. You need to practice hitting them to the point that you can play them in sequence. Keep repeating the above steps and master how each step goes. Keep practicing and involve both your hands until you can comfortably hit any song.

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