How Do You Go About Holding A Same Sex Legal Marriage

By Linda Ruiz

Marriage is an important step in a person life. It could affect your life in numerous ways both private and public. To get into a same sex legal marriage is not easy considering the controversies surrounding this type of union worldwide.

The reasons for support and opposition are both varying and numerous. Supporters cite the rights of every human to choose who they want to live with. Opponents on the other hand say that it changes the definition of family unit citing parenting and religious reasons. Despite this, there is an ever growing acceptance of people who prefer same gender union and with the current trend; it is only a matter of time before it is fully recognized.

Only some parts of the world recognize unions of similar gender. In other parts it is illegal while others have not yet made their stand. Some of the states in the US have legalized these unions either by popular votes, acts of the legislature or courts. Some states however have completely illegalized them through statutes and constitutions.

There are some states where alternative options are offered such as domestic partnerships and civil unions. They are provided by these states as a way that same gender couples can make their relationships formal. The gay and lesbian community however oppose civil them saying that they do not provide equal benefits like that of a marriage. This according to them belittles gay and lesbian couples and tags them unworthy.

For the states where marriage between couples of similar gender is not prohibited, the process of formalizing the union is quite easy. A couple first applies for a license to carry out a civil marriage. This is obtained from city hall or a court. Where the religion allows then marriage can be formalized in a religious setting. It is important that both of you are eligible according to the law that is be of age and not blood related.

Once this is done, fill and submit a form seeking to apply for your license and also pay processing fee. After three days, the license is ready and you may formalize the marriage by way of a ceremony. The officiating individual then adds time and place of wedding to the license and signs it. It is then sent back to the place of issue.

There are issues that arise when you do not reside in the country or state where your marriage was officiated. Your authority may not recognize your union hence bringing problems when for example filing for tax returns. In addition, if for some reason you wish to get a divorce in your country or state, it would be difficult since it is not recognized.

There are many other legal hurdles that come into play in same sex unions. For example, if planning to adopt a child, some states do not allow same gender parents. It is best to consult a lawyer before and during the process of marrying your partner so as to get legal advice.

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