Finding An Elvis Tribute San Francisco

By Cornelia White

Elvis is one of America's most popular and famous singers of all time. His fame and popularity continue today nearly forty years after his death. There is no doubt that you can find an Elvis tribute San Francisco to attend. There are thousands of impersonators worldwide and with any luck the one you choose to see will provide you with a stellar performance.

His success as a performer began in 1956 when he cut Heartbreak Hotel. That song rocketed to number one on the charts and led to several television appearances that helped to cement his future as a all round singer. He started the rock and roll era but could cross over to country-western, ballads, blues and spiritual songs at will. His ability to traverse the music field so thoroughly made him an icon of American entertainment.

He began making movies in 1956 and recording sound tracks for them. The movies were popular with his following and were profitable but they cannot be said to be Oscar material. After a stint in the Army he returned to recording and making movies. At that time he stopped doing live performances for nearly seven years. He returned to do tours in 1968 and was the first concert star globally broadcast by way of satellite. He died on August 16, 1977 and three days later a new release was marketed.

His talent was so great that copying the full spectrum of his music is nearly impossible. There are impersonators that can mimic his posture, stage presence, dress and speech patterns but few can successfully duplicate his entire range of music. Perhaps that is why he is called the King.

You can book an appearance with an impersonator to entertain at weddings, birthdays, anniversaries or any special event you like. Many entertainers do excellent impressions of the King and you should be pleased with their performance. Generally though, these private shows do not rise to the level of being called a tribute. You need to look to a much larger venue for that.

There have been several conferences in the city dedicated to the King and attended by thousands of people dressed like him. They may hold impromptu performances on the streets and in hotels where they are staying. These parties have a convention like atmosphere and everyone is encouraged to attend and join the fun. Although these are not necessarily formally held in honor of the King they do pay homage to his memory.

Some of the best local impersonators of the King were presented at a Giants base ball game dedicated to his memory. At the game fans were treated to performances before the game and again during the game. They also received door prizes of bobble head dolls and wall posters advertising the event. Presley's charitable foundation received the proceeds from the game and it was a sellout event of over twenty thousand attendees.

The baseball game was the most recent Elvis tribute San Francisco and it proved to be a great success. There were several winners during and after the event. The fans were treated to a tremendous show as well as gifts and a knock out win by the Giants and the Elvis Presley Charitable Foundation received a donation of the proceeds from the game.

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