General Details Regarding Custom Monogramming

By Mia McCall

Monogram is a motif. Typically these consist of overlapped or combined letters that make a single symbol. This might also be done through use of graphemes. Monograms are often made from the initials of a company or individual. In fact, they are frequently employed for logo and symbol designs. When uncombined initials are together as a collection, they are usually known as ciphers, not monograms. Custom monogramming offers customization of items.

Many people who do monogramming enjoy it as a hobby or craft. There are also professional companies and businesses that offer their products with customized monograms. These monograms can turn ordinary items into one-of-a-kind pieces. It is not uncommon for people to have this type of motif added to a gift, especially for newlyweds.

These date back to the time around 350 BC. The earliest known use of these was on Greek coins that featured the first letters of the city names. These motifs have also been used by artists and craftsmen for hundreds of years. They are added to creative works, such as furniture, paintings and sculptures.

In a more personal respect, these are typically added to clothing, stationery or luggage of a person. Monograms of this type tend to have three or two letters. With the traditional three-letter format, the last name initial is set to be larger or there may be a treatment in the center. The initial for the first name is usually placed on the left side and the initial for the middle name goes to the right. For example, a woman named Marie Ann Jackson might have a monogram that looks like MJA, with her surname J being large and centered and the M and A letters smaller and to the sides.

Couples who are engaged or married usually use two-letter monograms that feature their initials entwined. This is especially common on wedding invitations. Married couples might also do a three-letter piece to incorporate the initial of their shared last name. For instance, MJA could be the gram used for Michael and Ashley Jackson.

There are numerous organizations and companies that utilize these for their logos, often incorporating acronyms. This is also typical for businesses in the fashion world. Fendi and Louis Vuitton are examples of fashion companies that use monograms in their logos. Generally speaking, this is a common type of branding.

Most crafts stores will have all the materials that are necessary in order to do monogramming. The materials and process used may vary, as there are many different ways to go about this. Grams that are done for printed pieces, such as stationery items and invitations, may be done entirely through use of computer programs and printers. Cloth designs, such as those made for clothing items and towels, may involve using a machine for sewing or hand stitching.

One of the most popular and easy ways to make an item one-of-a-kind or stand out as a brand is to utilize monograms. These motifs are commonly seen as two-letter or three-letter designs that use initials or acronyms. Professional organizations and companies may use these as part of logos, seals and other branding items employ them. Individuals might also use them to customize their property or special gifts. Custom monogramming can be done in many different ways.

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